Wells Harbour Steel Building

15 WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA - Port of Wells Boat and Buoy servicing and storage building 6040 - Wells Harbour Authority - NORTH NORFOLK - OZ-UK Steel Buildings (Norfolk) Ltd

It feels like spring again, the snow disappeared overnight leaving the daffodils poking their heads up through the brown earth which set against the vibrant greens and clear blue sky over West Dereham really looks a picture. For some reason at this time of year I begin to think about our usual family holiday near Sherringham and Cromer on […]

OZ-UK Steel Buildings – The best is yet to come!

Steel Buildings OZ-UK Steel Buildings Norfolk England Logo

I have been reminded of late that the very best is yet to come! OZ-UK Steel Buildings have had some tremendous victories over the last few years, secured some great contracts & had the pleasure of working with many wonderful people along the way. OZ-UK Steel Buildings press forward towards a higher goal completely unsatisfied to revel […]

Early Day Today

Going into work to catch up with some paperwork & already had 11 phone calls & two visitors! Don’t people know it’s the HOLIDAY’S, I was looking forward to some quiet time & these customers keep interrupt……sorry there goes the phone again! 🙂 This is busier than a normal work day! Last time I come to work […]


As we approach the END of 2012, the world just keeps on rolling on! The prophets of doom & gloom & triple dip recession have failed to stop OZ-UK from hitting our yearly targets & having our most successful year to date! To which we can only look heavenward and in awe & respect say […]

Steel Building OZ-UK 2012 Year End

G’day there, Chris Peach OZ-UK Innovations M.D. here, We have some good news with the OZ-UK brand really starting to take off now  this years sales to date & turn over is showing a great improvement over previous years & OZ-UK are looking set to break the record of any year to date. In a […]